World Championship Massage 2024

World-class massage

Our wonderful masseuse from Lily Spa, Marie Andersen, participates in two categories during the WC in massage! World Championship Massage takes place in Copenhagen 28-30. June.

- I'm looking forward to the competition, says a humble Marie. Her whole career started with her getting a massage at the age of 20. It was such a good experience that she wanted to pass it on to others. 

This resulted in a bachelor's degree as a beautician and a job in exclusive beauty salons.

Now she is getting ready to participate in the classic massage/Swedish massage and spa massage categories in the WC.

Self-composed massage lessons

- Spa massage makes the body relax and is excellent for those who have too much stress in their lives, says Marie. It could be, for example, aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage, or massage with hot stones. 

Marie has composed her own aromatherapeutic massage of 1 hour for the WC. It involves lymphatic drainage, aromatherapy and chakra balancing. 

In addition, it is important to find the right oils for the treatment. She will use 9 essential oils, which must smell good individually and together. 

Hard competition

In the WC there are approx. 200 participants in total, who compete in 8 different branches. The participants must massage other masseurs and judges. 

- I am really looking forward to the trade day, then we can get inspiration and learn new techniques. It will also be very nice to learn from the other participants, smiles Marie.

The participants are judged on, among other things, technique, ergonomics and contact with the customer.

Marie masserer rygg på kunde.
Here, Marie performs classic massage with various techniques.

If you fall asleep, it is a good sign

Marie receives a lot of good feedback from customers, several say it is the best massage they have had. 

- It is nice to have such feedback. If the customer almost falls asleep and doesn't want to get up, then I know the massage has worked, says Marie.

That is why massage is important

The goal of massage is to get the body to heal itself. It cleanses the body, improves blood circulation and makes it relax.

- Massage should not hurt. It is better to have short and frequent treatments, than a long one infrequently, says Marie.

Now all that remains is final touches and practice before the trip to Copenhagen on 28 June.

Why should we get a massage?

It may:

  • Reduce pain in the shoulders, neck and back
  • Increase joint mobility and increase blood circulation
  • Reduce tension and make you relaxed
  • Increase lymph flow 
  • Reduce muscle spasms and cramps
  • Excrete waste products from the body
  • Give increased energy and well-being
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